Elevators are convenient. They save time. They look super sleek and you can feel like a boss walking out of one.
But, baby, take the stairs.
When elevators are an option, the stairs are the road less traveled. The stairs are often not as pretty, certainly not as shiny and convenient as the elevator and they can make you employ motor skills and coordination. Stairs can be a workout (if there are several flights of them).
Sure, the stairs take more time but they can give you something you can't get on the elevator: endurance.
You burn more calories walking up (or down) the stairs than you do standing in an elevator. In the long run, that's a healthier you.
Besides, if the elevator breaks, you won't be the one dragging your feet and complaining about the journey into the stairwell. You will have prepared for the moment long in advance.
And you will have the endurance to prove it.
Take the stairs.
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